Pi Phi Sorority House 5 Renovation/Addition

Location: Williamsburg, VA
Construction Schedule: September 2014 - May 2015
Construction Value: $1,200,000


The Project will renovate the three story Pi Phi Sorority House for The College of William & Mary. On the 1st floor, a bedroom and restrooms will be made ADA compliant. Also on the 1st floor, there will be an addition which will renovate the kitchen and dining room. On the 2nd floor, the restroom and laundry rooms will be renovated with the new addition. The 3rd floor will also have its bathroom renovated. In addition, the mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems are replaced in their entirety, as well as, Fire Alarm System enhancements.

The Site is extremely congested and new patio consume almost all of the available space.

As a result of the Project, the entire existing building will be renovated and the available space greatly enlarged.

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